Malvina Zoidze - Participant of the Traveling University


"In order to develop, it is important to have access to resources like the Traveling University. I'm the only 11th grader in village Brili, and the only person who can express an opposing viewpoint on a lesson is the teacher. The Traveling University was special to me in this way. During the meeting, so many different ideas were discussed; I discovered many interesting features and realized that interaction is essential for development. While exchanging different ideas, I noticed that others saw things I could not see, and this helped me discover something new."- Malvina Zoidze, 15 years old,  participant of the Traveling University.

Malvina is a student at the public school in village Brili, Shuakhevi Municipality, and tells us about the experience gained within the EU-funded Traveling University:

"Young people should have the opportunity of self-realization and, most importantly, the motivation to develop. This motivation will not exist without a sense of competition, so the Traveling University and other similar projects are essential, particularly for my village. The large-group meeting allows me to see better my abilities, which I cannot use at school.

If these meetings continue and I am able to participate, I will be very happy.

The Traveling University's idea is to provide young people with access to education, which I believe is the most valuable thing they can receive. Other services customized for us mainly focus on simply delivering the final product, whereas the idea of the Traveling University is to teach you how to create an opportunity for yourself.” - says Malvina.

The Traveling University is a part of the “Local Investments in Networks for Knowledge and Skill-share” (LINKS) project implemented by the United Nations Association of Georgia (UNAG) and Open Society Foundation Georgia (OSGF). The project is funded through the EU’s larger “Skills4Jobs” program, which aims to support vocational education and labor market development. 

Read more information about the Traveling University